Why I’m writing

I’m going to start writing for a few reasons:

To keep me in touch with the people I care about most. 

I wish I could call or text more of the amazing people in my life. With my current setup, this isn’t entirely possible. My goal is to send out occasional posts and have a few folks reply with thoughts of their own. This should create more frequent check-ins, and over the next decade, we should end up knowing each other better than we do now. I’m not aiming to amass a large following of people I don’t know with this newsletter. If you would like to join and we don’t know each other, please say hello and introduce yourself. 

To sharpen my thinking.

Writing something down forces clarity of thought. This should help me get to the root of my beliefs and values. And, if a few readers reply with views of their own (especially opposing opinions) I will improve my thinking and accelerate my learning. 

To create a more interesting inbox.

“You get out of it what you put in” is a core principle of mine. By publishing more frequently, I believe my inbox will become a more fruitful and fascinating place. This should lead to more weird and wonderful opportunities over the next few decades, and why would I say no to that. I smile thinking about an inbox where anything could pop in on a given day (a book recommendation, a potential investment, a new connection, an invite to join a TikTok House, etc.). 

What will I write about?  I imagine most of my posts will fall into one of three buckets: 

  1. Amplifying creators and art. I’m in a fortunate position in many ways, but one of the best things about my life is I’m surrounded by amazing creators and creations. When I stumble on something special, I will pass it along. 

  2. Investments I’m making. This includes real estate, startups, and public markets. 

  3. Lessons learned. Primarily via Patreon, though I’ll pass along anything meaningful I learn on a range of topics. 

If this sounds fun to you, please join my email list and reply every so often. See you in your inbox soon. 



7 years in the 7x7